Anthem of CREC—“Trailbreaker”
Spanning over the Yangtze River from Mount Guishan in Hanyang to Mount Sheshan in Wuchang, Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge is the first bridge crossing the Yangtze River. The 1670m long bridge is composed of themain bridge of 1156m, an approach bridge of 303m on the northwest bank and an approach bridge of 211m on the southeast bank.
The bridge is double-deck with a height of 80m. For the lower-deck, it is a 14.5m wide dual-track rail bridge. While, the upper-deck is a highway bridge with a width of 22.5m, in which the 4-lane carriage-way is 18m wide and the sidewalk on both sides is 2.25m wide respectively.
The bridge adopts triple-module continuous beams. With 3 spans in each module, there are 8 piers and 9 spans in total. The span is 128m long for each. The deep-water foundation was constructed by large-diameter reinforced concrete tubular columns and a large-scale tubular column drilling method. Steel girder cantilever erection method was adopted in China for the first time. The bridge was rewarded one of the Top 100 Classic Construction Projects by the 60 anniversary of the establishment of China.
Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge was praised by Chairman Mar as “A bridge spanning South and North changes the natural moat into a thoroughfare.” With construction commenced in September 1955, the Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge which is already a landmark of the city was completed in October 1957 . As shown in the directory of The 7th Batch of Major Historical and Cultural Site Protected at the National Level issued on May 3rd, 2013, the 56-year-old Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge became the youngest Major Historical and Cultural Site Protected at the National Level among the 29 selected sites in the city.
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